PostgreSQL Database Instance Creation and Configuration in AWS RDS

Sunil Kumar
3 min readNov 28, 2020

In this article, we will see the step by step instructions for configuring the Postgres DB instance in AWS RDS.


To complete this learning, you will need:
✓ An AWS Account (Free Tier)

If you don’t have an account visit and click Sign Up.

Amazon RDS is available on several database instance types — optimized for memory, performance or I/O
- Amazon Aurora
- PostgreSQL
- MariaDB
- Oracle
- SQL Server

PostgreSQL on EC2

You can manage your own DB instance by provisioning the EC2 instance and installing the Postgres Database.

Managed PostgreSQL on RDS

Managed RDS Service can handle the patching, backup, recovery, provisioning the resources, availability.

In this article, we focus on using the managed services AWS RDS for creating PostgreSQL Database Instance

Working with Amazon RDS via the AWS Management Console Step by Step Instructions.

Step 1: Log in to AWS Management Console and search with the keyword ‘RDS’. You will be redirected to the RDS Home Page

Step 2: Click on the `Create Database` and Select `Postgres`

Step 3: DB Instance Settings

Step 4: DB Instance Size and Storage. For Free tier you will get ‘db.t2.micro’ instance.

Step 5: Instance Connectivity

Step 6: Additional Configuration

Step 7: Backups Configuration

Step 8: Click On Create Database you will see the resource creation progress. It will take some time for provisioning the resources

Step 9: To view Connection Details click on the View Credential Details Button

Step 10: Connect to AWS RDS Instance from your Local and execute the DB Scripts

Working with the AWS Command Line Interface

To control and automate Amazon RDS resources from the command line, use the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI).


You can see the detailed implementation and connecting the API to the RDS instance in below GitHub project



Sunil Kumar

Architect and Full Stack Developer in Dotnet Core, C#, WebApi’s, Integrations and Learner on Angular and React FrontEnd